the unexpected momentum of small things in a space occupied by other small (and relatively large) objects
installation at Gallery 4Culture, Seattle
landscape of felt and handmade abaca paper, sewn and cut felt fence and signage, motion sensor activated video projection and sound, 2008

posted (in the installation unexpected momentum of small things)
sewn and cut felt, thread, pins, 38”x36”x2”, 2007

the unexpected momentum of small things (installation showing video projection of snow falling)
more information about this installation is here

the unexpected momentum of small things (documentation still from the viewer-responsive installation)
more information about the installation is here

the unexpected momentum of small things (still showing video projection changing to a rapid movement of the camera through the landscape)

the unexpected momentum of small things (still showing video projection changing to a rapid movement of the camera through the landscape)

pink fence (in the unexpected momentum of small things)
sewn and cut felt, space blanket, thread, 70"x70"x1"