Data tactility project. Collaboration with Audrey Desjardins.
Additional technical assistance from Blair Subbaraman and UW students participating in the 2022-23 Design Research group.
Inner Ear is a porcelain device that both captures home vibration data and and represents it in the form of textures in 3D printed porcelain. This novel project calls attention to the unseen data collection by IoT devices and puts the participant in charge of when and how they collect and interpret their own data. The collector device transforms into a sculptural object with the addition of the data rings, which represent unique moments, events, and locations.
More about this project:
Publications: Audrey Desjardins, Timea Tihanyi, Freesoul El Shabazz-Thompson, Brock Craft, Julia R. Saimo. (2023). The Inner Ear: Capturing and Physicalizing Home Vibrations. In Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems. DIS’23. ACM Press.
The collector unit is furbished with a vibration sensor, data storage, and an Arduino. It records a 10 minute duration when the button is pushed by the user.